Economics 1. Empowerment Through Employment

As previously mentioned, the goal of Glogreen Global is to create jobs that are more “human”. Meaning they are more related to creativity, analysis, and problem solving thanks to the automation/robotization of the factories. In essence, robotics and automation will change the work force the same way computers did. It will be an obligation of all licensees to provide a competitive, non-exploitative living wage to all employees of the factory as starvation wages have no place in GloGreen’s ecosystem. We call it a Thriving Wage.

This general increase in wages is a small cost compared to the extreme, cost saving measures imparted by the entire building process. Additionally, employees will be as locally-sourced as possible and the entire community will have access to training programs from a specialized school inside the factory, providing skills and real values for the local population and incentivizing quality work.

​Economics 2. Converting Toil into Satisfaction

It is estimated that one factory will create about 500 fulltime local jobs, compared to the 5,000 required to support the same production capacity in a conventional construction process. While this appears to be a reduction in employment, in reality, this is a conversion of toil, the day-in, day-out tasks that do not stimulate or excite humans, to tangible, fulfilling work.

Local material and service demand created by GloGreen factories will increase labor demands of local economies. Again, in each Factory a school is built to teach every skill necessary to work within it. Everyone in the Factory will be able to study, for free, and learn a skill that will allow workers to move up in positions within the Factory or work in another Factory. Other social advantages will be implemented based on the needs of that territory/community.

Economics 3. Establishing Posterity

Buildings that are built to last for hundreds of years can be handed down from generation to generation. People with a stake in their communities make for better communities.

Economics 4. New Business Models

GloGreen Global will be implemented through licenses. These new business models will generate profits for the developer and help reduce the costs of living. The same way SAAS (software as a service) or TAAS (transportation as a service) are shaping the revenue model of those industries, RAAS (real-estate as a service) will offer developers new sources of revenue and to the consumers new “cost saving—peace of mind” solutions

Economics 5. Our Vision (

We want to build a  decentralized opensource economy interconnecting the force of cryptocurrency and our new High-Tech net-zero real-estate smart construction. Imposing following factors: Humanity, Earth, and Future of Technology, we call this the HEFT method.

The next step is to create a network connecting all the sustainable real-estate projects by implementing a coin that is a trustworthy currency of exchange to substantiate our ecosystem.

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