“Humanity is destroying the Earth.” How often have we heard this phrase? We nod and sigh at the tragedy of it, maybe try to grasp the enormity of it, and go back to our lives of convenience and comfort as though the Earth is not our home. Humanity is meant to be a part of Earth’s ecosystem. Where Earth goes, so do we, and yet, those in the position to make sweeping change simply do not.​

Organizations both global and local are prioritizing greed, financial gain, and power over any possible symbiotic or organic way of life. All an individual can do is follow or die. Experience suggests that governmental organization is ineffective at reprioritizing the planet over the profits of bad actors. Since no private organization foots the bill for the looting of the Earth, profit-based incentives that could drive these private organizations to abide by ethical standards fail to materialize.

GloGreen’s strategies alleviate the paradigm of skewed priorities. By cleverly leveraging two hundred years of deferred cost-reducing technologies and techniques, we provide profit incentives for developers. Meanwhile, by locking our lucrative business model behind an equitable license buy-in, we redirect a share of that profit into sustainable Earth– and human–focused programs and cultural initiatives.

Humanity 1. Planting Wealth

​One goal of the GloGreen factory is to serve as the heart, or at least an important organ, of smart, “mini-cities,” while recognizing that no human should worship at the monolith of the “Single Giant Employer” by living and dying within their construct. A GloGreen facility will produce jobs, and generate demand in the local economy around it, which in turn will create even more employment opportunities.

Features of the facility help tie wealth, in the form of human skills and tangible permanent assets, to the surrounding region, protecting it from flying off and concentrating only in privileged first-world areas. With permanent demand for labor comes demand for food production and distribution, for entertainment and more. How could this single facility not plant the seeds of a thriving city?

Let’s explore this example: Consider a designer in Timbuktu. The designer develops a bathtub; it’s not only beautiful, but with thermal properties that drastically reduce the amount of heat required to draw the perfect bath.

In the current construction model, the designer must clear the many hurdles outlined elsewhere (test, certification, marketing, etc.) just to bring the product to market, and only then embark on the daunting task of getting the technology adopted.

But in GloGreen’s model, the designer simply submits the design for consideration at the local GloGreen factory, where it is then shepherded through the vetting process.​

Should the bathtub pass muster, its CAD file and plans become accessible in the GloGreen Global database by all other factories, and the designer is paid royalties from all projects using that same creation! No difficult legal battles, constant surveying for unauthorized use, or worrying about copycat designs.

Instead, wealth from the designer’s labor finds itself directly in the designer’s hands, not picked over by a myriad of clerks and legal officials first, and leaving only a pittance as compensation for the actual labor.

Humanity 2. Holistic Projects

With the amount of cost-savings available in a given project, a GloGreen factory in a developing region will provide access to basic human needs surrounding the project, which makes it uniquely suited to handle construction in developing countries.

A GloGreen factory can undertake a typical project to build in an underdeveloped region, using cost savings to pay for infrastructure development, including sustainable energy, water, and other projects that no private developer has any incentive to pay for.

Humanity 3. Gentrification

Gentrification is a large and complex issue that is unlikely to be solved without tremendous cultural restructuring. However, GloGreen Global has a solution: With our unique cost-saving and future-proofing abilities, neighborhood-wide projects can easily build apartments, condos (or even homes assigned to the families previously living there) at the same cost they paid beforehand, without drastically impacting the bottom line.

GloGreen is not trying to reduce the gentrification problem as there are a lot of other issues involved, but can at least help with addressing the housing cost issue, and hopefully spark a consciousness that will enable the community to create programs that will solve the gentrification issue.

Humanity 4. Education

One major tenet of the GloGreen factory is the inclusion of a real school in everyone of them. Naturally, employees must be trained to do their jobs, but more important to GloGreen’s mission is the idea that if any employee, or even a member of the community, wants to learn another skill or move up in the factory, they are welcome to use the facility’s educational institution to do so.

Humanity 5. Homelessness

Homelessness is a complex problem where health concerns are mixed with social-economic issues. There are lots of organizations on ground that are doing a great job at tackling this problem, but GloGreen Global as a real-estate/construction company considers how they can best help and contribute to solving this problem.

There is an opportunity to offer a program inside the license agreements that could grant the city and/or the community one free building (any type) to tackle the problem of homelessness, with the intention of making contributions, projected somewhere between every five (5) to ten (10) buildings built by the factory.

​The exact number will be evaluated based on sensible economics relative to the area that is being considered.